Your Trusted Water/Wastewater Engineering, Filter and Services Solution Provider.
POUR Offering Detail
At Point of Use Resources, we are committed to offering the best quality solutions for standard thru complex Water and Wastewater needs. Our Staff specialize in Water and Wastewater. This is not just a job to us. Our professionals have made their life work solving complex Water and Wastewater issues across the Globe. At POUR we strive to become leaders in Engineering (FEED thru Detail), Filtration Commodity Replacement, Green Fuel Storage Solutions and HDPE Pipe Installation. Take a look at our offering to see all of the amazing products and services we have available.

Engineered Services
Oure engineering Team has over 100 years of combined Water and Wastewater engineering experience. Ranging from Industrial, Produced Water, Bio-Medical and Municipal sectors our staff is well equiped to provide you with a solution to your current and future needs.

Replacement Reverse Osmosis and MBR Membrane
POUR offers an unparalleled selection of low cost, field proven Reverse Osmosis (SWRO and BWRO) Membranes, Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) Membranes and Mixed Bed Biological Reactor media. Our offering are direct commodity replacements for the largest water/wastewater companies in the World.

GREEN Fuel Storage and HDPE Piping Install Services
POUR is in the final development stages of a dual use Diesel/DEF combined auxiliary tank for rental equipment called the BLUqube. The BLUqube reduces the footprint and rental costs to the client while still maintaining the runtime required.

Point of Use Resources is the culmination of over 25 years of real world success and learnings. We only offer our customers the highest quality products and services available on the market - and for the best prices you’ll find anywhere. Our Team of tested and proven professionals will take on your issue and provide results based solutions that are cost effective and operational. POUR combines the minds of Engineers, Suppliers, Business Peers, Field Staff and Customer Insight to provide a single source solution that is mutually beneficial.